Five years ago, my BG (big guy) had major surgery- an aortic valve replacement to be exact. It was a traumatic time to say the least, including the "frantic, screaming wife" 911 call. Recovery was long and painful for him, but time passes and it became a memory. Over the last years, he has undergone many changes- physical (losing lots of poundage) and spiritual (walking closer to the Lord he loves). But, and there usually is a "but", about 2 months ago, he started having some shortness of breath and a tiny bit of chest pain...*sigh*
Today, he had a nuclear stress test- and no, we haven't heard anything and it went fine...but to be honest, it freaked me out. I sat waiting in that little beige room, surrounded by sick old men...and it freaked me out. We had a nice afternoon, but I couldn't quit asking him if he was tonight I read one my favorite verses...and if you know me, you know what it is..and I gladly share it with you.
Isaiah 41:10
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
10 ‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
If you are freaked out, scared or wondering how you will survive...just take comfort that He knows...and will hold you in His hands.
You're right, I knew exactly what verse you were going to share before I read it. This scripture is very much your life verse. It really has so many layers of beautiful truth. And on the very most practical level it assures us how very loved we are and that we NEVER go through anything alone. It makes me sad that I wasn't there to sit with you in that "little beige room" but it blesses me to know you weren't alone - because you've learned to run to your tender-hearted compassionate Savior. So I'll be holding you close in my prayers and He'll have to do all the hugging for me.