Sunday, July 29, 2012

Deep Thoughts-Olympic Style

I love the Olympics. Winter and Summer. FBG unfortunately doesn't share my same enthusiasm. This can cause a little issue during TV time. In our house, he usually controls the remote for the TV and I get to control the radio stations in the car. It is a perfect arrangement . While he surfs the channels looking for something with cowboys in it, I surf the web looking at Pintrest and FB. In the car, while I change the radio channels in search of  my favorite country song, out the window. However, during the Olympics, he still controls the remote, but I change the channel every time he leaves the room. He comes back and watches skeet shooting, or water polo or whatever I have changed to. He watches patiently and never complains. I appreciate that about him. Of course, if I get up, he changes to Gunsmoke or Bonanza or anything with a guy and a horse...and I (being a nice wife *ahem*) don't complain and go back to surfing the web. That is, until, he leaves the room and then... well, you see how it goes!

When I do grab the remote and watch the games, I often have odd thoughts and questions. Since this is my blog, I will share them with you, in no particular order.

I thought about the Hunger Games during the opening ceremonies. (That status update caused some good discussion on my FB page!)
I would really like to go sculling.
Does anyone else hide their eyes at times while watching gymnastics?
I rather liked Mr. Bean's part in the opening ceremonies.
Can you imagine how much food water polo players get to eat?
Why are the male beach volley ball players so covered up and female ones ( I do know the answer to that one actually)
Why Ryan Seacrest?
How many commercials can Morgan Freeman narrate?
Does every commercial need to try to make us cry?
Do any of you know an actually Olympic athlete?
Ryan Seacrest?
Is Michael Phelps a nice guy or a jerk?
Is that a bad thing to wonder?

Now, I am curious if any of you are watching the Olympics. If you are, are there any random thoughts or questions rolling around in your head? Please share them in the comments! Don't be shy!

Lastly, do you know this lady?

(AP Photo)

She is Kim Rhode and she has won more gold medals than anyone in the Olympics ever~in skeet shooting!
Here is a link to her story- it is inspiring and worth the read.

Cheers to Kim and to all the athletes at the games!

(Don't forget to chime in with your thoughts!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Old Friends and Loud Music

A week ago Saturday, FBG and I made our way to the Sagebrush Cantina for my 40th reunion. It was a beautiful summer evening and I was looking forward to seeing friends and acquaintances and sharing memories.

As we walked to the entrance, all of the sudden I had a mini panic attack. I felt like I was 17 and walking into the dance, feeling insecure and awkward. I told FBG I wanted to go home. He laughed and said, “Come on” and in we went.

Reunions are such odd things. People who you shared so much with so many years ago surround you. They look familiar and yet different. It is almost surreal!

Everyone was friendly, talkative and fun to be with. It was a hoot to see everyone looking so carefully at each other’s tags to see who was who. Laughter and screams of recognition filled the air as folks found old friends they had been looking for.  Little groups formed as people got reacquainted.We grumbled because the 60’s/70’s music they were playing was so loud it was hard to hear each other. Then we laughed at the irony of it, since we used to play that exact music so loudly that many of us have hearing loss! We danced, talked and ate tacos under the moon. A great time was had by all.

And then *poof* the evening was over and we all went our separate ways. Back to our regular lives, with the people we know and love now. There were lots of promises made to keep in touch and not let so many years go by before meeting up again. Such are the promises of reunions. I was glad I went and that FBG made me go in and not chicken out.

And since some of you might be wondering-there was not a bottle of Boones Farm wine in sight. Too bad. J

Old friends, old friends sat on their park bench like bookends
A newspaper blowin' through the grass
Falls on the round toes of the high shoes of the old friends

Old friends, winter companions, the old men
Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sun
The sounds of the city sifting through trees
Settles like dust on the shoulders of the old friends

Can you imagine us years from today, sharing a park bench quietly
How terribly strange to be seventy

Old friends, memory brushes the same years, silently sharing the same fears

~Simon and Garfunkel